Hi All,

Attached is Letter to the Editor of “The Northern Westchester Examiner” submitted today.  Was limited to 250 words by the paper.  Please share as needed.



Letter to the Editor of “The Northern Westchester Examiner”

Indian Point is the only nuclear plant in the USA located close to natural gas transmission pipelines. One
pipeline is near and two are on its site. The amount of spent fuel stored at Indian Point will increase
when Reactor 2 closes next month and Reactor 3 closes April 2021. Reactors 2 and 3 hold over 50% of
high burn-up nuclear fuel containing a higher percentage of Uranium 235. Their temperatures make the
used fuel more vulnerable to damage from handling and transport. It’s uncertain how long the spent
fuel will have to be stored. The DOE may be unable to accept the spent nuclear fuel any time in the
foreseeable future.

The NRC failed to properly examine the safety impact of placing a natural gas pipeline near Indian Point
when approving the AIM Project to put the 42-inch pipeline into use in 2017.

These pipelines might fail for many reasons: corrosion, equipment failure, excavation damage, incorrect
operations, pipe or weld failures, earthquake damage, damage from terrorism, and damage from an
accident occurring while handling and transporting the spent fuel into storage from Reactors 2 and 3. A
pipeline rupture would be catastrophic. Hundreds of thousands living or working within the 10-mile
Emergency Evacuation Zone and millions living within the 50-mile radius would be impacted.

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials. Ask them to file a Preliminary Injunction to close
the pipelines at Indian Point as they pose a threat to our health, safety and lives.

Corinne Kelly
6 Mancuso Drive
Ossining, NY 10562