Nuclear energy isn’t a safe bet in a warming world – here’s why
The overwhelming majority of nuclear power stations active today entered service long before the science of climate change was well-established. Two in five nuclear plants operate on the coast and at least 100 have been built just a few metres above sea level. Nuclear energy is, quite literally, on the frontline of climate change – and not...
Questions, concerns and issues for Decommissioning Oversight Board
To: Members and Advisors to NYS Decommissioning Board Thank you for serving on this groundbreaking oversight committee. The eyes of the nation are watching your work as more than 90 reactors still face decommissioning across the country with four more in western NY. Since 9-11, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater has been studying the decommissioning of...
First meeting about the Decommissioning Oversight Board. This Wed. 6 PM
This is your opportunity to learn about what has happened to the DOB that we all worked so hard for. Richard Webster from Riverkeeper has been appointed to fill the environmental seat on the Board. Thank you Manna and Matt for the link and details about making comments. Marilyn From Manna and Matt NYS Decommissinging...
Nuclear questions and answers – SMR’s from Roger Witherspoon
There are many problems with what is billed as the “next generation” fleet of nuclear power plants, beginning with the fact that they do not exist. Yet proponents of these plants, and the billions of dollars in public money they seek to pay for them, speak of them as if they are working, proven, technological...

Treatment of used fuel at Indian Point
Not much new here except for the the following plan for used fuel rods: “The company aims within 8 months of reactor shutdown to optimise the storage configuration of used fuel in the pools so that the fuel pools become independent of their cooling systems, and to place all the used nuclear fuel in its...
Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: New technology comes nowhere close to solving the problem of nuclear waste
Background: It is very refreshing to see an article that points out the fundamental hypocrisy of industrial and governmental promoters in wanting to call this technology “clean” when in fact it produces the deadliest waste and the most insidious poisons of any industry that has ever been allowed to operate. A few caveats however: (1) Perhaps the most...

New York approves Indian Point sale after Holtec sets up trust to cover cost of cleanup
The state’s Department of Public Service announced that an Indian Point Nuclear Decommissioning Oversight Board would be formed as part of the deal. Indian Point 3, a last look before it shuts down, April 30, 2021Indian Point 3 shuts down, April 30, 2021. Mark Vergari, Rockland/Westchester Journal News The state Public Service Commission has O.K.’d the sale...

Sale of Indian Point approved
Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, NY (photo: Entergy Nuclear) BUCHANAN, N.Y. (WWTI) — A deal on a major nuclear power facility in New York has come to a close. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday that the Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved the sale of the Indian Point nuclear power facility to Holtec International...
White House Env. Justice panel report. Good news from Tim!
Hi all – some good news on the federal level. The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) issued its first report this week. An article about it is below. In the report, WHEJAC tells the Biden administration what types of projects benefit environmental justice communities, and what types of projects do not. The article focuses on...

Sunset at Indian Point
Michael Conrad has written the definitive piece on the closing of Indian Point. He knows the history and starts with the defeat of the Storm King Mountain decision one of the pillars of Environmental law in the United States. Read down to bottom to find out more about his website that documents history from the...

Alec Baldwin: Indian Point 3 is closing. New York and the world should celebrate
The Nuclear Option documentary by USA Today Network NortheastAn in-depth look at the end of the nuclear power industry as we know it, and what lies ahead for the communities where plants are powering down. Michael V. Pettigano, Paul Wood Jr and John Meore, Rockland/Westchester Journal News At the end of this month of April,...