
Monthly archive September, 2021
Demonstrating to stop the corporate give away called Build Back Better.

Demonstrating to stop the corporate give away called Build Back Better.


Call will discuss an independent commission to acheive a permanent repository

… What technical data are you referencing to make the claim or assumption geological repositories are technically feasible even for the short-term? I have done  extensive research and have found no such technical data.  This myth of a “one and done” permanent storage solution was created by the nuclear industry to justify the economic costs...

NUCLEAR BAILOUT AFTERMATH: Greg Jaczko: Funding Nuclear Energy Is A WASTE Of Government Resources, The Industry Is DYING

TO: Illinois’ state and federal legislatorsMembers of the media Greetings All —Now that Illinois has decided to bailout Exelon’s nuclear plants to the tune of $700 million over 5 years, attention shifts to Washington where the nuclear industry is seeking bailouts in the Build Back Better Act (BBB) in the range of $55-60 BILLION. Exelon...

Holtec decommissioning Palisades: What it means for Indian Point

Thank you Michael for this article. Holtec is scheduled to decommission Palisades. While Indian Point has a larger decommissioning fund, a lot is similar and this article illuminates some things we need to be aware of. Marilyn Elie (Behind paywall this is a copy of electronic article Sept 23, 2021 p.1A, 6A)The Detroit News, Sept...

October 11-15 in DC: It’s History Making Time

We are now in a hugely consequential season when it comes to ending the dominance of the polluting fossil fuel industry and shifting urgently to clean and renewable energy sources like wind and solar. And by this season, I mean this autumn, the months of September, October and November. What ends up happening with the...

NEIS ACTION ALERT — 3 actions to take to fight $60 billion in nuclear bailouts

Thank you David for this excellent set of actions we can all take. I encourage all who read this to do as David suggests NOW and then post the information where ever you can. People need this information, help them find it. Scroll down to number 3 for an excellent interview with Gregory Jaczko, former...

Urgent Action: Letter to Editor. The Reconciliation Bill is in Congress Now! Pay Attention!!

Greetings Friends, This is a critical time for passage of the Reconciliation Bill.  While many of you have been following what is happening in Congress, many more Americans have not.  It is a confusing process and our energy future for years to come hangs in the balance.  Letters to the Editor are a good way...

Letter to the Editor: The Reconciliation Bill is in Congress Now! Pay Attention!!

Why is Congressional Action all about Budget Reconciliation Now? A majority of Americans want a comprehensive infrastructure spending plan AND democracy reforms that work. This is what the Reconciliation Bill is all about. Republicans in the Senate have vowed to vote against the Voting Rights Bill and the “human infrastructure ” bill that is the cornerstone...

Stop Centralized Interim Storage. Contact Senator Feinstein and Representative Jones

The Energy bill is now being marked up in committee.  It will shape our Energy policy for years to come.  Speak out against a bill that authorizes Holtec to ship high level radioactive waste to Texas.  Texas doesn’t want it and it is our responsibility as a community to deal with it.  Stewardship not disposal!...

Action alert to share on the Texas CISF licensing and opposing end-running around the NWPA

TELL YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: DEFEND THE NUCLEAR WASTE POLICY ACT No Backdoor Authorization of Illegal Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities Through The Appropriations Process The NRC is about to license a consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) to store irradiated nuclear fuel, also euphemistically known as “spent” nuclear fuel or SNF. It’s located in Andrews County, Texas, on...

October 11-15: People vs. Fossil Fuels Week of Action

Dear Friends, Here is some information about the October 11- 15 action in DC that is now being planned.  Our friend and ally Ted Glick, may plan a BXE action in front of FERC.   There will be civil disobedience at some point and Ted is inviting you to think about this as a way to...

Waste Isolation Pilot Project

Hello folks. WIPP = Waste Isolation Pilot Project, a deep undreground repository for transuranic-contaminated wastes (TRU wastes). Transuranic elements are human-made radioactive materials such as plutonium, americium, neptunium, and curium, all of tnem created inside nuclear reactors when uranium atoms absorb one or more neutrons without splitting, thereby becoming heavier than uranium or “transuranic”.  These...