Thank you David for this excellent set of actions we can all take. I encourage all who read this to do as David suggests NOW and then post the information where ever you can. People need this information, help them find it.

Scroll down to number 3 for an excellent interview with Gregory Jaczko, former head of the NRC. In a surprisingly good humored way Jaczko clearly explains how everything nuclear is more “science” for the future than solutions for climate change now. One of his major points is that we need to get gas out of the system. Subsidies to nuclear plants do nothing to meet that goal. This video has about 7,000 views, which is not a lot. Help distribute it by sending it on to your local, state and federal decision makers with a personal note.


NEIS Action Alert

Say “NO!” to $60+ Billion Nuke Subsidies in BBB Act

Greetings All –

Congress is set to begin voting on the Build Back Better Act as early as this week.  Huge subsidies for nuclear and fossil fuels are imbedded in a so-called climate bill.  It’s up to you – and us – to stop them!

There are three important actions that you can begin taking today, and continue doing thru the end of the vote at the end of September (see details below):

1.    Contact your members of Congress, and tell them to vote NO on nuclear subsidies

2.    Attend the Fridays for the Future Climate Strike, Friday, Sept. 24th (events in Chicago and Aurora, IL)

3.    Widely distribute the critical remarks of former NRC Chair Greg Jaczko


Help stop the $60 billion nuclear giveaway in the BBB Act!

What would you do with $60 billion?  Maybe – finally give Flint, MI a safe water supply?  Build 29,000 2-MW wind turbines?  Maybe take the lead out of drinking water?  ALL of it, everywhere?

Some members of Congress think it’s better to bailout out aging, money-losing nuclear reactors by giving ~$60 billion to profitable nuclear companies like Exelon – which would be eligible for about $25 billion alone.  Sen. Ben Cardin (D.-MD; received $80,000 in contributions from Exelon and IBEW the past 5 years) and others – some from Illinois — want to do just that.  They’re using the Build Back Better Act as a “Trojan Horse” to enrich profitable corporations, not fight climate disruption.  You can bet that money will go to the CEOs and shareholders, not to building wind farms.  That’s a helluva way to deal with Climate Code Red!

It’s our job to stop this giveaway, and tell Congress:

You can’t build an energy future by bailing out the past!

With the little time left, join with NEIS, NIRS, Beyond Nuclear, Indigenous Environmental Network, Sierra Club National, League of Conservation Voters, League of Women Voters, Food and Water Watch, and more than 250 other organizations nationwide to CALL your Senators and Congressperson and tell them: 

NO NUCLEAR BAILOUTS!  Fund renewable energy and efficiency, not CEOs and shareholders.”

You can remind them that 2022 is an election year, and you will remember this vote and their actions.

(To find your officials:  Illinois residents, click here; others: use the Capital Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected).

Let NEIS know ( who you spoke to, and what their response was.  Thanks!


NEIS needs between 5-8 people to march in this Friday’s FFF “Uproot the System” Climate Strike, an international event to call attention to Climate Code Red.   NEIS will provide handouts, flags, white Tyvec radiation suits, a banner and signs.  It will be 60s cool (temperature, not fashion), possibly drizzly, and you will be near Lake Michigan, so DRESS WARM.  Masks will be required, and COVID distancing will be practiced.

We will meet at 12:45 p.m. at 535 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL. (NOTE: there have been 2 conflicting messages about the start time and place.  If you miss us here, go to “The Bean” at 2 p.m.  Thanks).

Please RSVP to NEIS at (773)342-7650; if you can lend a hand, some feet and your courage.  Thanks!


Gandhi said, “What you do may seem insignificant; but it is EXTERMELY IMPORTANT that you do it!”

Below are links to two of the most important public web segments against nuclear power bailouts and use as a climate change fighter in recent memory.  Please 1.) listen to these segments and click “like,” 2.) forward them to your friends, reporters and elected officials. This is a small and easy, but extremely important action.  People and officials can be dismissive of the lay public’s concerns and objections to nuclear; but to contradict the former Chair of the NRC, they’re going to have to prove they know more than he does about nuclear power.

Greg Jaczko: Funding Nuclear Energy Is A WASTE Of Government Resources, The Industry Is DYING

7,748 views  — The Hill Rising —  Sep 17, 2021

Former Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Greg Jaczko, explains why U.S. nuclear programs are not up to par in fighting climate change.

Ryan Grim: DANGEROUS Dead End Nuclear Energy Subsidies Are A WASTE Of Money

12,288 views – The Hill Rising — Sep 16, 2021

Ryan Grim makes the case against investing more in nuclear energy.

Thanks in advance!  Keep on doing!

–Dave Kraft, NEIS Director–