TO: Illinois’ state and federal legislators
Members of the media

Greetings All —
Now that Illinois has decided to bailout Exelon’s nuclear plants to the tune of $700 million over 5 years, attention shifts to Washington where the nuclear industry is seeking bailouts in the Build Back Better Act (BBB) in the range of $55-60 BILLION. Exelon reactors would be eligible for as much as $25 BILLION of this to bailout out their soon-to-be “spun-off” reactors.
It has become something of a tradition to marginalize or ignore information or positions NEIS has shared on this issue since 2014.
However, a shockingly blunt news interview with the former Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dr. Gregory Jaczko finally puts these same issues out for public scrutiny in a way that can no longer be ignored or easily dismissed as “uninformed,” especially in the context of the BBB.
Please watch this 9-minute blockbuster.
We would appreciate your comments and feedback on the former NRC Chairman’s positions about nuclear power.
With Illinois State Sen. Don Harmon’s warning, “There will inevitably be changes,” the information provided in these two short news accounts should inform policy makers at both state and federal how not to make the same set of mistakes twice. Or thrice, if you count 2016.
Be well,
–Dave Kraft, NEIS–

Greg Jaczko: Funding Nuclear Energy Is A WASTE Of Government Resources, The Industry Is DYING


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Former Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Greg Jaczko, explains why U.S. nuclear programs are not up to par in fighting climate change.

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