$15M for Indian Point communities weathering nuclear power plant’s April shutdown
Riverkeeper will not receive any of the infusion money despite previous assertions by the group’s leader it was entitled to millions. The communities around the shuttered Indian Point nuclear power plant and a Hudson River environmental group will divvy up most of the $15 million set aside in the 2017 deal to close the plant,...
Gordon Edwards on the entire nuclear fuel chain from uranium mining to reactors and bombs
Dear Friends and Colleagues: On October 19, 2021, I gave a webinar entitled “Uranium – Premises, Promises and Predicaments”that dealt with a number of key questions related to uranium and nuclear energy: • To what extent can new nuclear reactors make an important contribution in fighting climate change?• Are the new reactors currently being proposed...
Indian Point Comments: Docket ID: NRC-2021-0125
RE: Docket ID NRC-2021-0125 To Whom It May Concern, The closure of Indian Point has many issues and loopholes. We have a nefarious company, Holtec, that has been awarded the task of closure and it is in their best interests to do this quickly, without much oversight and without quality products or a real plan....
Last Remarks Part for People vs Fossil Fuels. Plus Tues. Action.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact People are being asked to contact the White House on Tuesday as a follow up to the week’s actions. But first read what long time activist Ted Glick has written about the week’s events. It is inspiring . This is a long email. Do not be dismayed. Do with it what you can. At...

Day 2: People vs. Fossil Fuels
Marilyn, People vs. Fossil Fuels continued today in the streets of DC! Today, we united fossil fuel fights from across the United States, from the struggle to stop petrochemical and LNG export facilities in the Gulf, to efforts to stop oil and gas drilling on Native lands in Alaska. Another 155 people were arrested outside the...

Pics from People vs Fossil Fuels
Sample Letter to White House re: People and Fossil Fuels
https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact This is a really easy form to fill out that will get your letter to President Biden. Do it now. Marilyn Dear President Biden, Fossil fuels must stay in the ground to mitigate global warning. You know that and you campaigned to be a climate champion. The people at your front door right now...

Build Back Fossil Free: UPDATE: Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribe and TX Delegates Leave for DC People V. Fossil Fuels
Please amplify this event as much as you can. These people are putting their bodies on the line. The least we can do is make some phone calls. Marilyn For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 FOR MORE INFO. CONTACT Marlene Plua, delegate 956-756-9503 (Habla español e ingles) Juan Mancias, Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribal Nation, 830-391-7992 Donna...
Person andy VS Fossil Fuels – Update
Dear Fossil Free Friends, Dear Fossil Free Friends, Please read this letter from a front line gas pipeline fighter. What Andy is doing is amazing. Few of us can do what he is doing, but we can all do something. Read this narrative, share it with others and do what you can. Andy is counting...
Why nuclear plants are shutting down
To Cleo Abram Re: Your piece on Indian Point I live 3 miles from Indian Point and have studied the reactors for their last 25 years of operation. I have worked diligently with others to close the reactors. It was not our protests that led to the closing. It was economics. Indian Point closed because...
Slides from David Lochbaum
The annual reports, and related info, for Indian Point is available online at:https://www.nrc.gov/reactors/operating/ops-experience/tritium/plant-specific-reports/ip2-3.html On the left-hand side of that webpage, oen can go to the webpages of the annual reports for other nuclear plants. Thanks,Dave