NY Renews: best site to learn about NY’s energy future
nyrenews.org The letter below is not my letter. It was written by NY Renews on the draft scoping plan for New York’s climate plan and is just excellent. It is long but worth the time and effort, especially if you have not heard much about CLCPA, the Climate Leadership Community Protection Act yet. This is...
FERC reform: Markey’s bill
https://www.utilitydive.com/news/senate-bill-ferc-bolster-interregional-transmission-planning-carbon-emissions/620635/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue:%202022-03-18%20Utility%20Dive%20Newsletter%20%5Bissue:40486%5D&utm_term=Utility%20Dive This link takes you to a Utility Dive brief of the bill. It is an easy read and lays out a new mission for FERC that supports the changes the new Chairman has put into effect. An easy and quick action would be a note to Senator Markey commending him for his bill. Bernie...
Radioactive Waste Water Disposal
“At any nuclear plant where there is a fuel pool, including Oyster Creek, but also the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant in Massachusetts and Indian Point in New York, there are three options for disposing of the water that had cooled the highly radioactive waste. The wastewater can be filtered and chemically treated to reduce the radioactivity...
Developed by Nuclear Energy Information Service, ChicagoMarch 1, 2022An estimated $34 billion in tax credits for uneconomic nuclear reactors; and specifically the $13 billion estimated to be allocated to Exelon/Constellation Corporation reactors if eligible:Congress could not find money for continued child care benefits, adequate health care, drug pricing reform and other vital social programs; yet...
News from Manchin land: We’re wearing the fossil fuelers out
Ted offers some hope and excellent context. In case you missed it. This is a must read.Marilyn Elie News from Manchin land: We’re wearing the fossil fuelers out | Ted Glick Future Hope column, March 4, 2022 News from Manchin land: We’re wearing the fossil fuelers out By Ted Glick Amidst the deep pain, fear...
March 17 DOB Meeting. Your presence is needed!
Make your voice heard re Indian Point decommissioning March 17 at 6 pm! Please send this out to your lists and social media contacts.Many thanks to Gale Pisha for her skillful editing. What an improvement!The Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board will have its next meeting on March 17 at 6 PM. It is critical that the...
Oil companies join fight against U.S. nuclear waste facilities
Another aspect of the oil and gas vs nuclear. No storage of nuclear waste but more pumping of gas and oil. Reach out to your elected representatives. Tell them we need to increase our commitment to renewables for our national security. That is the way to true energy independence. Marilyn Elie https://www.santafenewmexican.com/business/oil-companies-join-fight-against-u-s-nuclear-waste-facilities/article_67b43796-e306-57a0-9df7-4c4a491d9cf7.html Oil companies join...
Edwards: Nuclear Power on the Battleground (Ukraine) [slide show]
Friends and Colleagues – Here is a link to my slide show from this morning’s webinar “Nuclear Power on the Battleground (Ukraine)”.www.ccnr.org/GE_Nuclear_Ukraine_2022.pdf . This morning there was a zoom discussion/webinar on the Russian capture and occupation of two nuclear power plants in Ukraine:the Chornobyl NPP near the border with Belarus, and the Zaporizhzhia NPP on...