Dear All –
Here is a copy of a letter sent to Richard Webster in hopes of addressing the concerns outlined.
Richard –
I have amended the letter to include the point I mentioned at the meeting on Thursday
Dear Richard –
I’m sure you are aware of the numerous concerns voiced by members of our environmental community in relation to the Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board and its proceedings. We so appreciate the constructive approach of the DOB in improving the format of these meetings, especially in regard to the advance scheduling of the DOB meetings and notification regarding these dates.
Here are just a few follow-up points to really maximize public communication and participation:
1. The decision to switch to in person meetings may not be considered safe by everyone wishing to attend. Now that NYS legislature has approved holding state hybrid meetings, would the DOB consider a hybrid meeting format?
2. Webex features an option for the use of video so that DOB members may be seen on the call in addition to being heard. Can this feature be added to the DOB meetings?
3. The current Chat settings limit communication and create redundancy in comments. Could there be an open Chat format to allow attendees to view all comments?
4. The current system for responding to comments and questions presented at the meeting is cumbersome and unsatisfactory. Would it be possible to address at least some of the attendee comments directly during the meeting when an answer is available, followed by an email response directly to the individual posing the question?
5. Responses by the DOB (preferably via email) to questions/comments posed at the meetings ought to be accomplished within 30 days following the meeting and also posted in the docket.
6. It would be sincerely appreciated if the time allotted for public comment could be moved up on the agenda, perhaps to the 90 minute mark.
Thanks so much for your attention to these matters.
Marie Inserra