Victory! We stopped Manchin’s dirty deal, and what comes next.
Excellent analysis of next steps. … “It’s also not the end of the road for Manchin’s dirty deal or the worst ideas of US fossil fueled fascists. In the same breath that Manchin admitted defeat, he promised to bring the dirty deal back for another voter during the “lame duck” Congressional session in December. That...

BREAKING: Manchin releases his dirty deal. 75 House members pledge no support!
Your phone calls at work! This is the first positive news we have had about stopping Manchin’s Dirty Deal! 75 Democrats in the house have have pledged to stop Manchin’s Deal. Now we need a few more votes in the Senate. Send your Senators a letter NOW! It is easy and quick. I just sent...
REMINDER: Decommissioning Oversight Board. Thurs. Sept. 22, 6 pm. Virtual and in person.
You must register if you plan on attending virtually. Click the Learn more button at the end of this article for directions or go directly to https://www3.dps.ny.gov/W/PSCWeb.nsf/All/D80D7EC995996E4B85258807006D6E76? Register now if you plan to attend virtually. The address for the in person meeting is 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Town Hall. The first article in this Town...
Senator Joe Manchin News Conference on Permitting Reform aka the Dirty Deal
https://www.c-span.org/video/?523062-1/senator-manchin-release-permitting-reform-proposal-tomorrow This is the entire 18 minute video from C-Span. It is a remarkable piece of flimflam. Manchin has come to the conclusion that opposition to his Dirty Deal is personal revenge against him. I found it hard to watch the entire 18 minutes because of the amount of lies, misinformation, and stupidity presented in...
Stop a billion-dollar bailout for the zombie Palisades nuclear plant–Group and individual sign-ons welcome by Thurs., Sept. 22, 7pm ET
Hello to NRWC Members, Our colleague Kevin Kamps at Beyond Nuclear is asking for our help. This is a sign on for groups as well as individuals. Details below. Marilyn Elie Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2022, 11:08 AMSubject: Help us stop a billion-dollar bailout for the zombie Palisades nuclear plant–Group and individual sign-ons welcome by...
NYT: Nuclear Power Still Doesn’t Make Much Sense
HALLELUJAH! Our reasonable, SANE, sensible arguments have finally made it into the NYT!!! Always with a few caveats, but still… The author is not one who usually writes about nuclear power. He is a staff reporter at the Times. He wanted to find out more on this topic and so went to an industry conference. ...

A Joint Letter on Indian Point Decommissioning
A Joint Letter to the Community from School Superintendent Joseph Hochreiter, Cortlandt Town Supervisor Richard Becker, M.D., and Buchanan Mayor Theresa KnickerbockerWith local schools back in session, and with Indian Point’s decommissioning well underway, we write to provide the community with a status report. We know many have questions about the process, as well as...
Story of Indian Point
Thesis by Eric Krebs. You can find the paper at this link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EQs1CuxWq1xopQu8y0b4Qqzi2D93SBXt/view?usp=sharing Eric is a great story teller and this is something I have been thinking about writing for a long time. Now I don’t have too. Eric and I had a lengthy interview and it was surprising to see so much of it in...
Manchin’s Dirty Side Deal. URGENT need for calls!
You have heard from me a lot about the evils of what the fossil fuel industry is trying to do through their control of Joe Manchin.The link below goes to the clearest and most level headed explanation of the Dirty Side Deal that I have seen. There finally IS opposition in the House. CALL YOUR...
Tina Volz Bongar on the Decommissioning Oversight Board. Next meeting Sept. 22, 6 PM
Second in a series; Women in the Movement. Mark your calendars for this important meeting on Sept. 22, 6:00 PM. You must register to attend. Link below.In this 10 minute UPDATE on the Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, Tina lays out the issues citizen advocates are facing and what she is doing to get a viable Emergency...
Excellent Article and Pulls on How Nukes CANNOT Save the Climate
Bill Gates and Techno-fix Delusions Against the Current, No. 220, September/October 2022 M.V. Ramana and Cassandra Jeffery BILL GATES, THE businessman, made one of the world’s biggest fortunes by designing, selling and marketing computer technology. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that when it comes to climate change, he’s pushing more technology. When wealthy people push something,...