Save this excellent, well researched article for your next response to anyone praising the French system or pushing for more nuclear construction.  In the meantime, share it widely, especially with elected officials.

“Nuclear energy is not sustainable, safe, or cost-effective. Only by investing in full-fledged clean energy can France and other countries meet climate goals on tight schedules – a key asset given the urgency of the climate crisis. Paul Hockenos explains.”

… “France’s current nuclear power fiasco – half of its 56 reactors are not operational due to corrosion problems, extended maintenance schedules, and cooling issues – should deliver a powerful warning to the country itself, and the rest of the world, that nuclear power is not the reliable 24/7 energy source that it claims to be. But France, second only to the U.S. in reactor fleet size, plans to construct as many as 14 new-generation reactors and a new fleet of smaller nuclear plants, supposedly to bolster its climate protection strategy.

France’s bet on nuclear energy, however, is an egregious miscalculation that will severely inhibit its decarbonization efforts – and not enable western Europe to gain any traction against Russia.”

Read  more of this comprehensive article at