Include nuclear in our climate future??? NO WAY!!!
Send an email to Governor Hochul right now telling her so.
For those who want more information:
Last summer there were hearings to collect opinions and ideas from New Yorkers about our Energy Future under the Climate Leadership Community Protection Act.
The Community Action Council was charged to use what the public presented to create a draft taking into consideration how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from the 1990 level. Enviromental justice and renewable energy were big considerations.
Now at the last minute, nuclear power has been ramroded into the draft that is going to Governor Hochul. Only one member of the Community Action Council stood up to speak for Environmental Justice and Renewable Energy and to ask for time to consider this. Others voted to include nuclear power despite all that had gone before.
The rational? “There is a lot of money in the Inflation Reduction Act for nuclear and some of it needs to come to New York.”
Many thanks to NIRS for organizing this campaign. This has got to be stopped, else it will be terrible for New York and become an awful model for the rest of the country.
This is a quick action. Do it now.
Marilyn Elie
Call to Action! New York is days away from finalizing its plan for implementing the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. At the last minute, New York officials are attempting to shoehorn an endorsement of new nuclear plants like Small Modular Reactors and “advanced” nuclear into the plan.
Tell Gov. Hochul: No New Nuclear in New York’s Climate Action Plan
New nuclear plants are more expensive than renewable energy, create radioactive waste, and will take too long to build to meet our climate targets in time. It would be far more effective, just, and clean for New York to go all in on renewable energy.
Last year, we finally closed the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant near New York City – after years of grassroots organizing. We cannot go backward now.
Act Now! Tell Governor Hochul to Support Renewable Energy, NOT Dangerous, Expensive, and Unjust Nukes
Thanks for all you do!
The NIRS Team
Diane D’Arrigo
Denise Jakobsberg
Tim Judson
Quinn McCann
Hannah Smay