Experts Panel on Public Health and Safety at Indian Point and other reactors. From 1/2623. Posted! Decommissioning a nuclear power plant is job that requires careful attention to detail in order to protect public health and safety. On January 26, 2023 four experts were convened to discuss this matter by United 4 Clean Energy, Grassroots Education, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and a coalition of other groups. Presenters included the renowned...
Health Experts Cry Foul Over Plans to Dump Radioactive Wastewater into Hudson River
For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Contact: Ellen Weininger, Grassroots Environmental Education Email: 914-422-3141 (O) or 646-210-0200 (C) Judy Allen, United for Clean Energy 845-528-6643 (H) or 914-382-1193 (C) Press Release Health Experts Cry Foul Over Plans to Dump Radioactive Wastewater into Hudson River (Buchanan, NY) A panel of health experts today is raising public alarm...
Small Modular Reactors: Pricey Power?
Greetings to All; This is an excellent article to send to electeds and anyone else who thinks Small Nuclear Reactors are a good idea. It is short, to the point, easy to read and makes points that cannot be refuted, like the estimated cost of electricity generated by SMR’s. The author is writing about nuclear...
SAVE THE DATE. Expert’s Panel on Radiation and Public Health. Jan. 26, 4 PM.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Dr. Helen Caldicott and other experts on public health and radiation. Please help amplify this event and post to your social media and sending to anyone you know that might be interested. Media AdvisoryCritical Public Health and Safety Impacts of Decommissioning Indian Point • Expert Forum Series Contact: Ellen Weininger,...
filtration of radioactive water
Hi Manna Jo, In response to your email, please note the following: With that said, note the following question from your email and our response: 1. Which Isotopes are able to be filtered out of the water before it is released into the Hudson River and which are not. 2. For those that are able to be filtered,...

Citizen groups cast wary eye on health impacts of decommissioning
By Regina ClarkinJanuary 19, 2023 Bringing facts to area residents about the health and safety implications of decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant is the goal of several local environmental organizations who have scheduled a speaker series that begins on January 26th on a 4 p.m. Zoom webinar. The ‘Public Health & Safety Impacts...

MEDIA ADVISORY: Experts Forum Jan. 26, 2023 at 4 pm EST via Zoom on Public Health and Safety During Decommissioning of Indian Point
Media Advisory Critical Public Health and Safety Impacts of Decommissioning Indian Point • Expert Forum Series Contact: Ellen Weininger, Grassroots Environmental Education (914) 422-3141 (O) or (646) 210-0200 Judy Allen, United for Clean Energy 845-528-6643 (H), 914 382-1193 (C) What: First in a Series of Public Health and Safety Experts Forums When: Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:00 PM...
Description of casks for spent fuel storage
The German casks are thick-wall metal (ductile cast iron) over 19″ thick. They don’t use or need concrete. The Fukushima thick-wall casks for storing spent nuclear fuel assemblies are 10″ thick metal (carbon steel and lead). They survived the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami. Either system is better than what we have. Switzerland uses both types...
Brian Lehrer of WNYC Endorses Nuclear Power
Today on a segment of his show about CLCPA Brian said that nuclear power is clean because it emits no green house gases. He said it was safe because there have only been two accidents, one in Russia. The program is already posted and you can listen to it now on WNYC. This requires a...

Auld Biden Syne in front of Biden’s house midnight Dec. 31
Here’s a video of a rain-soaked, straggly but passionate group of 8 climate justice activists, and a dog, singing directly in front of Joe Biden’s house in Wilmington, De. as 2022 turned into 2023. We begin singing at the 4 minute mark. And below are the words we sang, to the tune of Auld Lang...

New Years at Occupy Biden
Let’s keep this party going! Well, party might be a stretch. But taking action with comrades to save our biosphere is truly a celebration of life, joy and festivity included! Another cause for celebration: this is absolutely the last fundraising pitch from Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE) this year lol. We’re close to our $25,000 end-of-year...