Have you talked with your legislators yet about passing the Resolution about dumping tritium into the Hudson River yet?
It can be as simple as printing out the Resolution and mailing it to your Board member or town supervisor with a note requesting that your town sign on. Or emailing it. Talking points have gone out as has the paper on tritium. If you want help with this call or text me at 914-954-6749.
If you think that there may be opposition you might want to go to a Town Board meeting in person and introduce it there. People usually have 3 minutes to talk at some point during the meeting. It is always good to go with a friend.
When your municipality passes the Resolution please let Ellen Weiniger know as she is tracking where it has passed. Her email is eewgrassroots@gmail.com.
The book review of Arjun’s new book on tritium follows after the Resolution.
WHEREAS, the company decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant has announced its intention to release water from onsite radioactive fuel waste pools into the Hudson River; and
WHEREAS, to date there has been no specific reporting of the radionuclide contents of this water which is heavily contaminated from the storage of the nuclear fuel waste; and
WHEREAS, pre-release filtration to remove these isotopes has been presented as a solution to reduce the content of these carcinogenic contaminants to a level “as low as reasonably achievable;” and
WHEREAS, the National Academy of Science has indicated that there is no verifiable safe level of these isotopes when they are ingested or inhaled.; and
WHEREAS, such pre-release treatment would not remove tritium, also carcinogenic, from the water; and
WHEREAS, any contaminants in the Hudson present the risk of entering the food chain; and
WHEREAS, there are community members who depend on fish from the river as a food source; and
WHEREAS, in addition, there are seven communities upriver who source their drinking water from the Hudson; and
WHEREAS, since the River is an estuary that flows from south to north as well as from north to south, this fact must be considered; and
WHEAREAS. the river also serves as a source of recreational activities and represents an economic resource that will be endangered by this reckless action; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the [City/Town/Village] of _______________ strongly opposes the plan to release over a million gallons of contaminated water from the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant site into the Hudson River.
The aurhor of this book is widely known and highly respected for his work in the field of nuclear energy. Here are three different reviews from scientists in regard to his new book on tritium. What follows is an excerpt from one of the review.
. “For decades, it has been claimed that tritium is a minor hazard, dispersing widely in water, that its beta radiation is not penetrating and relatively weak. With harder to assess exposures and risks, such internal emitters have often not been adequately addressed by radiation protection standards. Similarly, tritium’s different forms, distributed throughout organisms and affecting diverse cellular components, have been sidelined. This is particularly important to redress given our collective greatest responsibility is to protect the most vulnerable – pregnant women and young children, and the growing evidence that there is no threshold for risk for most if not all the long-term effects of radiation exposure.”
In Solidarity,
Marilyn Elie
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
United 4 Clean Energy