MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release – April 13, 2023

Town of Stony Point unanimously approves resolution opposing Holtec plans to dump contaminated water into the Hudson

At the meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Stony Point held on April 11, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., the town board unanimously voted to adopt a resolution opposing the discharge of contaminated water from Indian Point into the Hudson River and urging the NYS Legislature to support S.5181 amends the environmental conservation law in relation to the discharge of any radiological agent into the waters of the state.

To date, the town’s of Orangetown and Stony Point and the County Legislature have signed on but the Town of Haverstraw, Ramapo and Clarkstown have not.

Download and read the Town of Stony Point resolution at this link:

SPACE has also joined with many organizations in the Hudson Valley to sign a letter to Governor Hochul

You can read the draft letter here:

Your organization can also sign the letter here:

George Potanovic Jr.

President, SPACE
