Mr. Tom Congdon, Chair
Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board
Chairman Congdon,
We recognize our April 4th notification to the Decommissioning Oversight Board (DOB) related to the planned discharge of treated liquid effluent from the site’s spent fuel pools to the Hudson River caused public questions.
Following conversations with key state stakeholders, who wish to allow for additional public education, we have decided not to go forward with the planned discharge in early May.
While Holtec maintains that we are legally authorized to discharge spent fuel pool water, under the authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and in compliance with our SPDES permit, we also recognize the concerns raised by local elected officials and the community.
We believe this voluntary pause will provide an opportunity for us to further engage with elected officials, the Decommissioning Oversight Board, and state agencies, as well as allow for an opportunity for regulatory agencies to respond to questions raised by stakeholders and the public. Additionally, this will provide both federal and state regulatory agencies time to continue explaining the science and regulations at future DOB meetings will only serve to help this public process.
While Holtec notes that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ultimate authority over radiological liquid releases at Indian Point and at other sites across the country, we hope this voluntary pause will be viewed positively as an indication of our willingness to work together with the State and with the surrounding community.
I would like to thank you for the efforts of the DOB, staff of the Office of the Attorney General and elected officials to discuss this issue in recent days.
We look forward to continued discussions on this issue.
Patrick O’Brien
Director of Government Affairs and Communications – Holtec International