
“Aside from working with the federal government, local state legislators are supporting a bill that⁸ would prohibit radiological discharge into any waterbody in New York State.

State Sen. Peter Harckham (D-Lewisboro), Committee, is sponsoring that bill while Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg (D-Ossining) is sponsoring the measure in the lower chamber.”

CAll your State Assembly Member and Senator.  Tell them that you support this measure and ask them to co-sponsor. 

In Case You Missed It:

This is a short video about the effects of releasing tritium into a water body.  Tim Deere-Jones is an expert from the UK and has studied this problem for years. Very distressing when you compare what he is saying to what our regulations allow. 34 views so far.  Click on the link below and amplify!

EPA’S Proposed New Plan for Power Plants

“Instead of creating one limit that all power plants must comply with, the E.P.A. intends to be flexible, the people familiar with the new plan said. It plans to set various targets based ojn the size of the plant, whether it runs regularly or intermittently, and whether it is already scheduled for retirement. Some coal plants that are scheduled to shut down in the next decade may not have to meet the new standards at all.”

Just for fun:

Pictures from the 5/6/23 Rally.

Marilyn Elie

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition