Physicians say Pilgrim Nuclear decommissioning should wait for health studies
The Pilgrim nuclear power plant has always been ahead of Indian Point in decommissioning. Their call for a health study before going forward sounds like a good idea. Perhaps it is something we need to think about for Indian Point. Marilyn Elie Physicians say Pilgrim Nuclear decommissioning should wait for health studies The Pilgrim Nuclear...
Mayor of Buchanan complains about not discharging tritiated water to River
“We were talking about rezoning those 60 acres, which was potentially the easiest parcel to release,” Knickerbocker said. “And now, there’s a lot of uncertainty.” The bill signed into law in August restricts the discharging of wastewater in connection with decommissioning nuclear power plants. Pat O’Brien, director of communications and government affairs for Holtec, said...