Local Task Force Meeting Highlights
Hi All – As I promised, here are some highlights from the Local Task Force meeting last night. I also took some videos of the Entergy presentation until my phone battery ran out – so let me know if you’d like those to use as ‘source material’ for some of these points. I’m sure that...
NRC, NYS Discuss A Repair At Indian Point
Safety at the soon-to-be shuttered Indian Point nuclear power plant in Westchester County was the subject of a public conference call Thursday with officials from New York state and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. At issue was a repair at one of the reactors. The NRC had approved the method of repair and says there is...
IP2 begins final refueling and maintenance outage
BUCHANAN – The Indian Point nuclear power plant unit two has been shut down for its 23rd and final scheduled refueling and maintenance outage. Entergy will also perform upgrades to the facility, said spokesman Jerry Nappi. “In order for the plant to run reliably for another two years the company made a commitment to invest...
Nuclear Tragedy Anniversary Raises Concerns about Indian Point
A group of environmentalists gathered in Peekskill Sunday afternoon commemorating the seventh anniversary of the nuclear tragedy in Fukushima, Japan and cautioning if Indian Point could be next. Throughout the five-hour ceremony, members of the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC) sang songs, gathered in prayer and raised awareness to the possible effects radiation exposure...
Power restored to Indian Point reactor after shutdown caused by electrical failure
One of Indian Point’s two nuclear reactors began generating electricity Wednesday morning after a nearly two-week shutdown caused by a faulty generator. The power plant’s Unit 3 reactor was re-connected to the state’s power grid around 9 a.m., according to Vera Carley, a spokeswoman for Entergy, which owns Indian Point. The reactor shut down automatically...
JOIN US – From Fukushima to Indian Point, What’s in Our Future?
Sunday, March 11, noon, Program and Potluck American Legion Post 274 (Captain Oliver C. Chase Jr.) 936 McKinley Street, Peekskill, NY. Dear Friends, March 11 of this year marks seven years since the Great Eastern Earthquake in Japan triggered the ongoing disaster of Fukushima –the meltdown of three nuclear reactors, the initial release of radiation that traveled around...
Take Action
This year our seventh annual Fukushima program will be held on Sunday, March 11, in Peekskill. A lot of details are still up in the air but please do put Sunday afternoon March 11 on your calendar. Jun san Yasuda is walking from Grafton Peace Pagoda in Grafton, New York, with other Peace Walkers and will be joining us for...
Info on Jun-San Yasuda of Grafton Peace Pagoda and Peace Walkers
Jun san will begin her annual Peace Walk from the Grafton Peace Pagado culminating in a Peace Crane Ceremony on March 11 at the gates of Indian Point. People are welcome to walk with her for all or any part of the way. Below is some more information about the earlier part of her ,,....
Strike Looms At Indian Point Nuclear Plant
CORTLANDT, NY — Workers at the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan could go out on strike at midnight Wednesday. While talks are continuing, more than 300 Members of Local 1-2, NY, Utility Workers of America, AFL-CIO took a strike vote in advance of the Jan. 17 expiration of their contract with Entergy, the...
Indian Point forum highlights: What’s the future for 1,000 workers and nearby towns
The Indian Point nuclear power plant has been an economic engine in the lower Hudson Valley for the better part of four decades. With a $140 million payroll and a workforce of 1,000 – double that during maintenance shutdowns that take place every two years – the plant has been a reliable economic partner for towns...
#WalkTheTalk Yorktown Vigil
IPSEC organizer Marilyn Elie recently (Saturday, November 18th) attended a Yorktown vigil protesting fracked gas, at which Willow Park residents asked Gov. Cuomo to stand behind his words and #WalkTheTalk: to follow up on his campaign antifracking rhetoric. Here is her report: “Betty Jasper, Dominican Sister, led the group in a prayerful vigil filled with...