Citizens Oversight Board
BUCHANAN – The closure of the Indian Point plant is scheduled to begin next year, and members of the community say they are already thinking of the safest ways that officials should proceed. They tell News 12 that they’d like to see the state implement a citizens oversight board to act as a watchdog for...

Yucca Mountain Resources
This packet of materials was developed by Nuclear Information Resource Service. Special thanks to Mary Olsen for her part in this project. It will be sent to members of the United States Senate to educate them on high level radioactive waste issues. The packet provides one of the most through and well written descriptions of...

Closure Agreement Link: https://www.ipsecinfo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/indian-point-closure-agreement-january-8-2017.pdf

AIM Pipeline Information
Algonquin Incremental Market Pipeline Risk Analysis Report: — Algonquin Gas Pipeline Safety Study — Letter to FERC

Gordon Edwards
(Webinar) Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Not Clean, Not Small, Not Green, Not Affordable On March 13, 2020, a presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards scheduled for a public meeting in Fredericton, New Brunswick, was cancelled because of Covid-19. The title of the talk was to be:“Small Modular Nuclear Reactors – Not Clean, Not Small, Not Green,...

Unanticipated Radioactive Repercussions
I have been asked to provide some facts about radiation from nuclear plants. A crippled nuclear reactor is dangerous not because it gives off invisible rays, but because it disseminates harmful radioactive pollutants. So I prefer to use the word “radioactivity” rather than “radiation”. What is radioactivity? Radioactivity is not a thing, but a property...
Terra Firma Article
This article appeared in the May 2018 issue of Terra Firm, the Newsletter for the Sierra Club Lower Hudson Group. Replacement? What replacement? Misguided Critics Say… Closing a nuclear reactor means another gas plant will open to replace it. We need to keep nuclear plants open in order to hold greenhouse gases down. Why can’t environmentalists...
Response to ‘Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems’
A recent article ‘Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems’ claims that many studies of 100% renewable electricity systems do not demonstrate sufficient technical feasibility, according to the criteria of the article’s authors (henceforth ‘the authors’). Here we analyse the authors’ methodology and find it problematic. The feasibility criteria...

Indian Point Presentations
Manna Jo Greene presentation link: indian_point_manna_jo_greene Gary Shaw presentation link: Gary’s slides
Indian Point: Next Steps
The reactors at Indian Point are not closed yet and continue to present danger to the community. Perhaps more. The expert prediction is for more problems at the start and the end of a reactor’s life span. Repairs are expensive so is refueling how will Entergy, owners of the reactors respond. The question that comes...
The End of the Age of Nuclear Power: The Beginning of the Age of Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning
Next Steps Going Forward The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition has worked for the closing of the reactors at Indian Point since 9-11. A closing agreement, initiated by Entergy, was signed by New York State and Riverkeeper on January 9, 2017. Barring unforeseen circumstances, that adversely affect power supply reliability, the reactors are slated...