

When Nuclear Plants Close: Challenges for U.S. Reactor Decommissioning

Clearwater and other organizations host “When Nuclear Plants Close: Challenges for U.S. Reactor Decommissioning” Thursday, October 15, 10 am – 3 pm New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 46th St., New York, NY In the next decades most of the currently-operating U.S. nuclear power reactors are anticipated to close for aging, safety and...

Westchester County Board of Legislators hold “Environmental Round-Up”

Westchester County Board of Legislators hold “Environmental Round-Up” Wednesday, October 14, 7:30 pm Greenburgh Nature Center, 99 Dromore Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583 District 12 Legislator Mary Jane Shimsky and colleagues from the County Board of Legislators will discuss critical environmental issues being addressed at the County level, including: the Spectra Pipeline plastic bag legislation flood mitigation measures...

New York City Safe Energy Coalition Releases 2015 List of Accidents at Indian Point

In a span of five months during 2015, there have been no less than five accidents at Indian Point. New York City Safe Energy Coalition, with assistance from Nuclear Information & Resource Service have compiled information about these accidents. “Sometimes pro-nuke people will rationalize that accidents are good. Dr. Michio Kaku’s response to that is that...
NRC Cancels Vital Study on Nuke Plant Cancer Risks

NRC Cancels Vital Study on Nuke Plant Cancer Risks

A vital cancer study which was started by the National Academy of Sciences in 2009 has been canceled after heavy lobbying by the nuclear industry. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission cancelled the study citing financial reasons despite the fact that money for the 8 million dollar study had already been budgeted.  In light of the agency’s...

SAVE THE DATE: Stony Point Center Fundraising Gala Dinner, October 11

The Stony Point Center is the generous host of IPSEC’s  Monthly Indian Point Convergence meetings. Please consider attending this beautiful and delicious fundraising event to help support the wonderful work they do and their contributions to so many of our local communities. Sunday, October 11th 3-5pm Campus Fair, 5-7pm Harvest Dinner Stony Point Center, 17 Cricketown...

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Indian Point Appeal

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney has filed a brief of amicus curiae in Richard Brodsky’s ongoing lawsuit against the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Entergy. Maloney, a Democrat, represents New York’s 18th district, covering areas north, east and west of Indian Point. On Tuesday he officially filed the brief with Second Circuit of the United States Court...

Hearings Begin On Idling Indian Point During Spawning Season

  LoHud’s Ernie Garcia reports on state hearings over idling Indian Point during fish spawning season to reduce the number of fish and eggs killed by the plant’s cooling system. “Over the next three weeks, state judges will hear arguments for idling the Indian Point nuclear power plant during the fish spawning season to reduce...

Nuclear Expert Meets with Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman to Discuss Unacceptable Risk to NYC Metro Area

Construction of the new Spectra Algonquin 42-inch diameter gas pipeline adjacent to the Indian Point nuclear facility could begin any day.  Leading nuclear safety and pipeline safety experts have clearly explained that the risk assessment performed by the plant operator, Entergy, and accepted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, dramatically underestimated the risk of siting this...
Save the Date: 9/19 Movie Screening 8 pm in Beacon NY

Save the Date: 9/19 Movie Screening 8 pm in Beacon NY

Movie Screening of: “Indian Point” Saturday, September 19th 8 pm Beacon Independent Film Festival, Beacon, NY   If you missed it at Jacob Burns during the summer, this is a terrific opportunity to see this top notch, fascinating documentary about Indian Point by  Ivy Meeropol.  The film stars and features many familiar faces from the  IPSEC...

NRC Rejects Paul Blanch’s Petition about Indian Point and Spectra’s Pipeline

For the official word from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about Blanch’s petition, read the file below: NRCvsPaulBlanch

Exposing Entergy’s Latest Lies

Marilyn Elie, of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, responds to what many view as outright lies by Entergy Corporation’s pro-nuclear industry’s recent massive “Ad” campaign. Following a meeting to shut down Indian Point nuclear power plant, the multiple groups made videos to “Bust the Myths” created by this false advertisement. This is a warning call...
Winner of the Geiger Counter Contest

Winner of the Geiger Counter Contest

Geiger Counter Raffle Results: and the winner is… Elizabeth Helbraun, from Brooklyn, NY This year at the Clearwater Festival, IPSEC conducted a Geiger Counter Raffle, with the hope that the lucky winner would join our Indian Point Citizens Radiation Monitoring network. The winner of the raffle was Elizabeth Helbraun, from Brooklyn, NY. We are very...