Indian Point Decommissioning Resources

  • Assemblywoman on Indian Point

    Dear Constituent, I wanted to bring your attention to a few things that may be of interest to you. Write to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about Indian Point One of the most pressing issues for our community is the upcoming decommissioning of Indian Point Energy Center. As some of you may know, I have…

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  • Ensuring Safe Nuclear Decommissioning w/ Manna Jo Greene

    On Thursday February 20th at 7:00 pm The Beacon Sloop Club’s 2020 Winter Lecture Series Presents: Ensuring Safe Nuclear Decommissioning w/ Manna Jo Greene. A member of the Indian Point Nuclear Decommissioning Citizen Advisory Panel (NDCAP), Manna Jo will discuss environmental and safety issues facing local communities. As the nuclear plants age, the development of…

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  • Riverkeeper’s guide to what is wrong with the PSDAR

    Riverkeeper’s guide to what is wrong with the PSDAR:

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  • Holtec & SNC-Lavalin Legal Issues

    For those who haven’t seen it yet, here’s a copy of some of the problems with Holtec & SNC-Lavalin and their proposed decommissioning at Indian Point. Please let me know if you have additions or corrections. Regards, N.Nancy Vann

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  • Indian Point Nuclear Plant Closure May Face Legal Challenge

    Is there a hint here that the reactor may not close on time if a decommissioning deal is not reached? Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, New York. NEW YORK – After years of incidents, ranging from fluid leaks to power failures, the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, New York, is scheduled…

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  • Holtec Rap Sheet

    Here is the latest Holtec Rap Sheet for use at meetings with state officials. Please TEXT me if you notice any typos or other errors.  -Nancy Vann

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  • Clearwater comments on Holtec/IP decommissioning story is posted, will air today

    Hi, all — WNYC, the flagship NPR station in New York, has posted its story on Holtec and Indian Point.  It’s even-handed, giving some space to the other side, which is to be expected, but within that I think it’s quite good.  There is more detail in the audio version than the shorter written version…

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  • Holtec Projects $2.3 Billion Price Tag for Indian Point Decommissioning

    Holtec International believes it can complete decommissioning of the three nuclear reactors at the Indian Point Energy Center in upstate New York in 12 to 15 years at a cost of $2.3 billion, according to a new filing with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Power company Entergy said in April it would sell the Buchanan,…

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  • Revised letter as presented to NDCAP 1/15/2020

    Folks here is the letter Corie and I worked up and presented tonight for distribution/ use….Please circulate to whoever we may have missed on the list… Thanks, Hank This country and American business are going through soul searching around two crashes of the Boeing 737 Max. A respected company, almost an American institution of excellence,…

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  • Decommissioning Costs for Indian Point Units 1, 2 and 3

    I do not see how these figures would allow Holtec to clean up the millions of gallons of contaminants under the plants. Here’s a story on the leaks with the map And the map: Decommissioning Costs for Indian Point Units 1, 2 and 3 There are three main categories of cleanup for decommissioning at…

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  • Note from Tim Judson This is a pretty good set of demands, though it leaves out the essential issue of what Holtec will do if/when the decom funds run out of money. Pointed questions on that are essential. The potential for the limited liability corp. (LLC) that actually owns Indian Point to declare bankruptcy and leave the decommissioning…

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  • Schumer, Gillibrand, Lowey Demand Answers From Holtec On Plans To Decommission Indian Point

    With Entergy Corporation Planning to Transfer Indian Point License to Holtec International, Lawmakers Seek Information on How Holtec Plans to Carry Out Decommissioning Activities Once Indian Point Shuts Down Starting Next Year Washington, DC – U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY-17) today sent a…

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  • Note from Donna

    The NRC has no regulatory authority over the expenditure of decommissioning funds. The licensees submit a Decommissioning Cost Plan to the NRC for review, but not for approval. One authority the NRC does have is to allow some decommissioning funds to be used for dry storage. If the NRC determines there are sufficient funds to…

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  • Note about Holtec cask

    Below is a drawing of a partial view of the interior cavity of the Holtec HI-STORM 100 carbon steel lined concrete storage cask. This model is stored above ground at numerous U.S. nuclear facilities, such as Indian Point. As each Holtec thin-wall (1/2″ thick) stainless steel canister (about 50 tons) is loaded into a concrete…

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  • Red Flags Raised Over Radioactive Waste at Indian Point Plants. CAB or COB?

    Supervisor of Cortlandt Linda Puglisi and Theresa Knickerbo, Mayor of Buchnnan, asked the NRC to declare her appointed group of politicians and business people the “official ” citizens group to represent Cortlandt during the decommissioning process. This is her so called Citizens Advisory Panel Those of us who been working on the draft of a…

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  • Decommissioning article links

    This list was compiled by Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear Just type in the name of the article in your browser to see the full article. See a similarly long list re: SNC-Lavalin’s skeletons in the closet, posted at Beyond Nuclear’s DECOMMISSIONING website section. Radioactive Skeletons in Holtec International’s Closet… Articles, and other posts, listed in…

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  • Decomissioning article links

    Radioactive Skeletons in Holtec International’s Closet… Articles, and other posts, listed in backwards chronological order: Posted September 28, 2019 — MA AG Healey sues federal nuclear regulators over Plymouth plant transfer As reported by the Boston Globe. Holtec International has also proposed “temporarily storing” a grand total of 173,600 metric tons of commercial irradiated nuclear fuel at a…

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  • Healey sues federal nuclear regulators over Plymouth plant transfer

    By Danny McDonald Globe Staff, September 26, 2019, 11:25 p.m. Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth.DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF/GLOBE STAFF Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is suing the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission over the approved transfer of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station’s license to a company with no prior experience in decommissioning a nuclear power plant. The commission last month…

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  • 96 Organizations Join Call to Suspend NRC Pilgrim License Transfer

    Thank you Marie for this link. This happens to be for Pilgrim.  Expect much the same for Indian Point.  IPSEC is one of the 96 organizations that signed on to this letter. This is a good letter to forward to your elected officials.  Let them understand how Holtec and the NRC work together.  Certainly not…

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  • Sierra Club Tool Kit, intended for GND and useful for COB!

    Sierra club has an excellent toolkit at the Q below.  They are suggesting things that could lead to a real gra inss roots movement.  Included are “drop by visits”  if you can’t  get an official visit, taking a small gift of flowers or a plant to symbolize the Green New Deal, taking a selfie of your…

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  • Plymouth League of Women Voters sends letter of protest to NRC

    Entergy, the license holder for Indian Point, wants to sell to Holtec for the decommissioning of Indian Point.   The company has run into opposition in its bid to decommission Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Massachusetts. They are planning an accelerated decommissioning schedule, something the company has never tried before and have proposed the same practice for…

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  • Nuclear waste stranded at Indian Point as feds search for permanent solution

    What will happen to Indian Point spent nuclear fuel rods? Thomas Zambito for lohud reports. Ricky Flores/Frank Becerra Jr./lohud The bold plan to rid the nation’s nuclear power plants of spent fuel that’s been piling up for decades is spelled out, down to the tiniest of details, in a 2002 Department of Energy report that took…

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  • Indian Point Nuclear Waste Moved to New, Dry Home

    Nuclear waste may not have found a permanent resting place, but 32 bundles of spent fuel rods from the Indian Point 2 plant in Westchester County have found a home suitable for at least the next few decades — a steel and concrete cask surrounded by razor wire, floodlights and surveillance cameras about 300 feet…

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  • State AG: ‘Grave concerns’ over Indian Point nuclear plant decommissioning

    Joe Delmar, Senior Director for Government Affairs and Communication for Holtec International speaks during a public meeting of the Indian Point Nuclear Decommissioning Citizen Advisory Panel at Buchanan Village Hall Jan.15, 2020. Delmar, representing Holtec International gave the first public presentation on the company’s plans for decommissioning the plant. At right is Theresa Knickerbocker, Mayor…

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  • Indian Point Annual Report

    Document link: {F8F80D6F-A7AA-4D29-A1E9-19B3F556D5B9}

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