Panel: Nuclear Is NOT the Answer to Climate Change
September 15, 2014 10:00am – 12:00pm
UN Church Center, 777 United Nation Plaza, 2nd floor (E44th Street & 1st Avenue), NYC [Map]
Free & Open to Public.
Nuclear Power is NOT the Answer to Climate Change will discuss various issues associated with nuclear energy; including nuclear waste, uranium mining, Fukushima, human rights, health, environmental, economic, and technical issues.The admission is free and the event is open to public. (UN pass is NOT required to access to the building.)
Arnie Gundersen (Fairwinds Energy Education, VT)
Pradeep Indulkar (Filmmaker of “High Power”, India)
Leona Morgan (Dine NO NUKES, NM),
Marilyn Elie (Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, NY)
Mari Inoue (Human Rights Now, NYC)
Alfred Meyer (Physicians for Social Responsibility)
Tim Judson (Nuclear Information and Resource Service, MD)
Co-organized by:
Temple of Understanding,
Peace Boat US,
Human Rights Now,
Physicians for Social Responsibility,
Nuclear Information and Resources Service,
Manhattan Project,
Abolition 2000 NY