Peace Walk for a Nuclear-Free Future

Earth Day Walk To Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant 


Stop the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty

Jun san Yasuda and the Peace Walkers, who began the walk in San Francisco last month, are completing their 700 mile walk from nuclear laboratories and uranium mines to reactors across the country, uniting activists who work on all phases of the nuclear fuel chain. Join us on the last leg of their trip to the United Nations where the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty will be on the agenda.

1:00 PM: Meet at Peekskill Riverfront Green [MAP]

2:00 PM: Walk to the old gate of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant at  Bleakley and Broadway in Buchanan for a prayer ceremony [MAP]

3:00 PM: Walk to Croton-on-Hudson Metro Station

5:30 PM: Meet the shuttle to Stony Point Conference Center, 17 Cricketown Road, Stony Point, NY Stony Point, New York, 845-786-5674 [MAP]

6:30 PM: Potluck Dinner  and Program at Stony Point Center.  All are welcome.  Contact Duna Fullerton about the potluck. We need food for the hungry Walkers!

For more information: Ayumi Temlock : 203-940-4416,

Walk contact:  Judy Allen: 845 528-6643,

Potluck:  Duna Fullerton: 914-762-6487

Sponsored by the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

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