Advance Nuclear Act
This article was first drafted by Mays Smithwick, Coordinator of the National Radioactive Waste Coalition through the collaborative efforts of members of the NRWC. The NRWC is a campaign of over 45 member organizations working to build a collective voice for environmental justice in national radioactive waste policy that brings to the foreground the needs…
Senate Nuclear Fetishists Take Lid Off of Pandora’s Box
*Senate Nuclear Fetishists Take Lid Off of Pandora’s Box* *19 June 2024* *David Kraft, Director, NEIS* *CHICAGO—*In a lopsided 88-2 vote (with 10 not voting, including Sen. Richard Durbin), the Senate passed S.870 – the so-called ADVANCED Act, a bill which quite literally takes the lid off of the nuclear safety box, both domestically and…
S870. Nuclear DOOM.
The nuclear industry got everything they wanted. Including a complete change in the mission of the NRC. Biden is sure to sign the bill. The huffpost article spells out a lot of the sordid details. Marilyn Elie Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition www.ipsecinfo.org “Passage of this legislation will only increase the danger to people already…
S870. Nuclear DOOM.
The nuclear industry got everything they wanted. Including a complete change in the mission of the NRC. Biden is sure to sign the bill. The huffpost article spells out a lot of the sordid details. Marilyn Elie Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition www.ipsecinfo.org “Passage of this legislation will only increase the danger to people already…
This bill is a disaster. We lost 88-2. A monumental disaster s870. Go to https://www.ucsusa.org/about/news/advance-act-retreat-nuclear-power-safety for more about this innocuous sounding bill. It changes the mission of the NRC from supposedly protecting the public to promoting nuclear energy. It gives the industry everything they could ever want. And why not, since they wrote the bill. Stay tuned for more details. Marilyn Elie.
It gives the Bipartisan nuclear package heads to Biden’s desk By *Andres Picon* | 06/18/2024 06:48 PM EDT The “ADVANCE Act” was more than a year in the making and aims to supercharge nuclear energy deployment. Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Tom Carper (D-Del.) speaking with reporters at the Capitol. Carper was one of…
In case you missed it. Jamie Raskin says Merrick Garland can force Alito and Thomas to recuse.
“If judges are like umpires, then they should be treated like umpires, not team owners, team fans or players.” Raskin notes that: “At his Senate confirmation hearing, Chief Justice Roberts assured America that ‘Judges are like umpires.’” “But professional baseball would never allow an umpire to continue to officiate the World Series after learning that…
Letter to the Editor: Senator Joe Manchin on nuclear power
Dear Editor, Imagine a world with no stoplights, safety belts, speed limit enforcement, and no requirements for the auto industry. The death toll would be astronomical. That is the effect of what Senator Joe Manchin and some other Senators who are nuclear advocates want for the nuclear industry. We have been down this road before. …
Peace Walk to Indian Point, March 10, 1:00 PM. Meet at Peekskill Train station. Save the date and tell your friends!
Jun San will once again be making her annual Peace Walk to Indian Point in commemoration of the Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami which triggered the nuclear tragedy at Fukushima on March 11, 2011. She will meet people at the Peekskill Train station at 1:00 PM and then walk to Indian Point. Those who do not…
Misuse of money from Decommissioning Trust Fund
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday cited Holtec International for dipping into ratepayer funds meant for the teardown of the Indian Point nuclear power plant for $63,000 to sponsor baseball and softball teams, a golf outing and a high school fashion show. The NRC said the payments “do not constitute legitimate decommissioning activities” and gave Holtec 30…
Clearwater announces award recipients
BEACON- Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, America’s Environmental Flagship organization, will honor Dr. Stuart Findlay, Manna Jo Greene, and Xiell Owens at its annual Spirit of the Hudson Gala on April 7, 2024, at the Garrison, in Garrison, NY. The Gala will celebrate 55 years of inspiring lifelong stewards of the Hudson River and its tributaries…
Holtec’s Legal Problems
Controversial Camden-based nuclear parts maker to pay $5M fine Holtec International, the Camden firm behind controversial nuclear power projects in New Jersey and four other states, has agreed to pay a $5 million penalty to avoid criminal prosecution connected to a state tax break scheme. New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced Tuesday that Holtec…
Senator Joe Manchin on Nuclear Power
Biden supports nuclear power and the nuclear industry has been very effective in lobbying Senators and contributing to their campaigns. All of which, coupled with the vast amount of government money available through the Inflation Reduction Act, has set the stage for some Senators to push for relaxing nuclear safety regulations. Relaxing safety standards is…
More SMRS in the pipeline
25 SMR license applications expected by 2029, plus six other takeaways from FERC, NRC joint meeting “Even though a lot of politicians in California wanted to close [Diablo Canyon], they faced the reality that they could not close it and keep their lights on,” FERC’s Christie said. Vogtle nuclear Unit 4 with Unit 3 in…
Tritium at Nuclear Power Plants
Tritium is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope that is found in the upper reaches of theatmosphere and rarely occurs naturally on the surface of the Earth. It is produced as abyproduct of the normal operations of nuclear reactors and is found in the fuel pools of reactorswhere the highly radioactive rods are stored at many…
Physicians say Pilgrim Nuclear decommissioning should wait for health studies
The Pilgrim nuclear power plant has always been ahead of Indian Point in decommissioning. Their call for a health study before going forward sounds like a good idea. Perhaps it is something we need to think about for Indian Point. Marilyn Elie https://www.capeandislands.org/local-news/2023-12-19/physicians-say-pilgrim-nuclear-decommissioning-should-wait-for-health-studies Physicians say Pilgrim Nuclear decommissioning should wait for health studies The Pilgrim Nuclear…
Mayor of Buchanan complains about not discharging tritiated water to River
“We were talking about rezoning those 60 acres, which was potentially the easiest parcel to release,” Knickerbocker said. “And now, there’s a lot of uncertainty.” The bill signed into law in August restricts the discharging of wastewater in connection with decommissioning nuclear power plants. Pat O’Brien, director of communications and government affairs for Holtec, said…
Stop the Maple Gas Pipeline. Applies to other pipelines also.
This 13 minute, powerful video provides a glimpse of determined people who are united in stoping the Maple pipeline. What is said here applies to all gas pipelines. Fossil fuels must remain in the ground! Please share with interested others, especially elected officials. Marilyn Elie Indian Point Safe Energy Project www.ipsecinfo.org Gov Hochul: STOP the Maple Project…
The End of DOE’s Flagship SMR — A Cautionary Tale,” Energy Intel., Stephanie Cooke. NuScale’s demise.
https://www.energyintel.com/0000018b-cf50-dbb5-a5ef-df7378750000?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=a2e40700-e62b-411b-a982-9e9c506b2f84 The End of DE’s Flagship SMR — A Cautionary Tale The collapse of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) flagship small modular reactor (SMR) project should serve as a cautionary tale to SMR developers everywhere. When the agency first announced funding for NuScale Power’s SMR project in 2013, then Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said…
2023, Nov. 14 Indian Point Rally
Monday, 11/20 from 4-5 pm: How to Keep Radioactive Waste Out of Our Air and Water. Holtec delays decommissioning calendar.
Food and Water Watch along with other groups is sponsoring a forum on keeping Indian Point’s radioactive waste out of our air and water. This is important! Please forward to interested others and especially to your elected officials. Monday, November 20, 4 PM to 5 PM. https://www.mobilize.us/fww/event/588389/?referring_vol=331070&rname=Susan×lot=4062599&referring_participation=24144006&referring_data_signature=v1-b4fee46c4f0029e8&share_medium=copy_link&share_context=signup-form-modal About this event In August, Governor Hochul signed…
Holtec and tritiated water disposal
“Holtec said it is weighing what to do with the wastewater at Indian Point, which closed in 2021. It said it has not ruled out legal action against either or both states. A company representative, Patrick O’Brien, said the decommissioning schedule took years to develop and that “with systems and buildings being interconnected, any changes”…
Program for Small Modular Reactors cancelled
https://www.power-eng.com/nuclear/facing-mounting-costs-nuscale-cancels-small-modular-reactor-project-in-utah/ “The development is a major blow to U.S. nuclear ambitions. NuScale is one of several companies working to build and commercialize SMRs. Like other companies, NuScale was targeting the end of the decade for deployment.” NuScale was the only company to have passed most NRC hurdles to start construction. The cost per kilowatt hour…
NuScale has no legitimate customers for its SMR’s
Really good news for us and basically what we have been saying all along. What a waste of time and money. Marilyn https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/first-us-small-nuke-project-canceled-after-costs-climb-53 “The decision to terminate the project underscores the hurdles the industry faces to place the first so-called small modular reactor into commercial service in the country. NuScale is part of a wave of…
Annual Update from the NYS Decommissioning
Filed today: ANNUAL UPDATE November 6, 2023 Message from Tom Congdon, Chair of Task Force On behalf of the Indian Point Closure Task Force, and in accordance with Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2017, I hereby issue this Annual Update that documents significant progress being made to plan a smooth transition to a future…
Low level radioactive waste storage
The waste storage building complex is owned 100% by the Dutch government. Every 20 years the building will be painted a lighter colour, until in one hundred years it is white. This reflects the fact that heat and radiation produced by the waste stored inside will gradually decrease. A very rational and business like approach. …
No More Pills, Test Sirens or Escape Routes
By Brian PJ Cronin The days of test sirens and iodide pills are over. On Oct. 24, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced that it had approved a request by Holtec, the company decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant near Peekskill, to abandon the emergency response plan created when the plant was operational. The approval comes…
DOB Annual Update – DRAFT
The updates that follow summarize the important work conducted by the Task Force during the last year and outline the direction of the Task Force for the year to come. ANNUAL UPDATE – DRAFT September 22, 2023 Contents Introduction Mitigating the Property Tax Reduction Mitigation Fund Community Benefit Fund Employment Planned Activity Energy Reliability Decommissioning…
Emergency Prepardness Plan
These exemptions are consistent with NRC actions at other commercial nuclear power plants undergoing decommissioning. US / Regulator Approves Revision To Indian Point Nuclear Station Emergency Preparedness Plan By David Dalton1 November 2023 Three-unit facility in New York state being decommissioned The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a request by Holtec Decommissioning International (HDI) to…
Beware the nuclear industry bearing gifts
By David Kraft Look out for the Trojan Horse carrying small modular nuclear reactors. Most people are familiar with the story of the Trojan Horse – the “gift” that disguised destruction, at least for Troy. When legislators reconvene in the fall veto session, they will be confronted with a legislative Trojan Horse called SB76 – a pro-nuclear power…
Indian Point’s decommissioning moves forward
ALBANY, NY — The New York State Department of Public Service and the Indian Point Closure Task Force announced that the owner and operator of the Indian Point nuclear power plant in the Village of Buchanan, Westchester County, has transferred all spent nuclear fuel to dry cask storage. Dry cask storage, according to a statement,…
NuScal Problems!
https://www.devx.com/news/inside-nuscales-alleged-phony-reactor-deal/ “The attorneys investigating the matter are expected to conduct a thorough examination of the company’s business practices, and if the accusations are proven true, NuScale could face legal consequences and further…”. NuScal was one of the first companies to promote Small Nuclear Reactors. They are now blathering loudly about how this report is all…
Organization Sign letter against Price-Anderson Act renewal by Nov 17 noon
Dear Colleagues Please sign your organization on by Nov 17th 2023 to this letter to get the PRICE ANDERSON ACT renewal out of the National Defense Authorization Act Link to letter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Al28ElUTEM0equM_QG67XBTWNP2H-m887pL35kOs4kw/edit?usp=sharing Link to the sign-on page Sign -Price Anderson/ S.1111 out of NDAA (google.com) The Price Anderson Act (limited liability and exemption for liability for nuclear power…
Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Transfers Spent Fuel to Dry Cask Storage
The Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, New York, has completed the transfer of all spent nuclear fuel to dry cask storage, marking a significant step towards the decommissioning of the plant. The move was mandated by the New York State Department of Public Service and Indian Point Closure Task Force, who wanted to…
Indian Point spent fuel move to secure dry cask storage
BUCHANAN – Holtec, the company that owns the decommissioned Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, has transferred all 3,998 spend nuclear fuel assemblies to dry cask storage. The announcement was made in a news release from the State Department of Public Service and Tom Congdon, chairman of the Closure Task Force. Congdon is executive…
Fate of Indian Point Wastewater Still Unclear
A month after Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill preventing Holtec from discharging water from Indian Point’s spent fuel pools into the Hudson River, the company said it hasn’t yet decided what it will do with the waste. At the Sept. 21 meeting of the Indian Point Decommissioning Oversight Board, a representative for Holtec, which is decommissioning…
Update: Stop Holtec and more.
Victory Party! Celebrate our win in getting Governor Hochul to sign the bill prohibiting dumping. Tuesday, September 26, 6 to 7 PM Peekskill Brewery. Contact Santosh Nandabalan <snandabalan@fwwatch.org> so that he knows how many to expect. Stop Holtec Food an Water Watch organizer Santosh was just excellent in keeping the pressure on Hochul to sign the…
Earth Matters: Industry pollutes the Hudson River—again
Excellent article on the history of pollution in the Hudson River. Exactly what we were working for when we all came together to stop the dumping of tritiated water. Please share with interested others. Marilyn The Hudson River has been used as an industrial sewer for centuries and thus has played a prominent role in…
This excellent newsletter speaks to many of the issues we have to prepare for such as the SEPTEMBER 17 NYC DEMONSTRATION. DETAILS BELOW. ARE YOU READY TO MARCH??? Talk to, not email, people about this crucial demonstration. You can read about Lawler’s town hall and his strategy of using a lottery to select question. A…
Opinion: Here’s how we ‘saved the Hudson’
The successful effort to ban nuclear waste discharges from Indian Point holds lessons – and warnings – for the entire state. On Aug. 18, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed Assembly Bill 7208/Senate Bill 6893, colloquially known as the “Save the Hudson” bill, into law. The enactment of this legislation, which I sponsored in the Assembly, followed months…
State Asked to Study Wastewater Procedures at Indian Pt.
With Gov. Kathy Hochul signing into law a bill that prohibits the dumping of radioactive waste into the Hudson River, environmental groups and elected officials are turning their attention to the possible harmful effects of the toxic discharge that has occurred for the last 60 years. In an Aug. 23 letter to Hochul and various state agencies,…
Governor Hochul Signs ‘Save the Hudson’ Bill
ALBANY, N.Y. – Environmental and political folks reacted with relief and gratitude last week after Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law a measure that will restrict the dumping of radiological substances into the state’s water bodies. Holtec International, the entity that now owns, and is in charge of decommissioning, Entergy’s former Indian Point Energy Center…
Texas nuclear waste storage permit invalidated by US appeals court
A U.S. appeals court on Friday canceled a license granted by a federal agency to a company to build a temporary nuclear waste storage facility in western Texas, which the Republican-led state has argued would be dangerous to build in one of the nation’s largest oil basins. A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th…
Activists: State needs to step up to protect water and air from Indian Point cleanup
A whistleblower report from a Holtec worker at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Massachusetts released earlier this week is one of the reasons why environmental activists are requesting Governor Hochul and other elected officials to pivot to a state-led waste management process for the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan. During a video…
Point of Return – Designing new life for buildings at Indian Point
In the idyllic Hudson River Valley, two concrete domes, just barely peeking over the treeline, dot the landscape near a city of 28,000. They belong, as most of the area’s residents know, to the now-decommissioning Indian Point nuclear plant. In theory, the nuclear anxieties around Indian Point could be wiped away once Holtec, the company…
Update on Nuclear Free Carbon Free HUB at 9-17-23 March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC
This is something we all need to be thinking about as antinuclear activitist. We just won an important vistory, now it is 11th time to step back and look at the larger picture. Are you planning on going into the City on Sept 17 for this demonstration? Thank you Diane for this well organized way to…
No more radioactive dumping in Hudson River: NY Gov. Hochul signs ban
On Friday the company said it was “disappointed” Hochul signed the bill. “We firmly believe that this legislation is preempted by federal law and that the discharge of monitored, processed, and treated water would not impact the environment or the health and safety of the public,” spokesperson Patrick O’Brien said in an email. “In the…
Today’s Sign the Bill Rally on Channel 12
State Senator Pete Harkham held a legislative report back session today and said the bill to stop dumping is based on the economic aspects of what the dumping could do. This is a strong legal argument that has been tested in court. He urged people to call the Governor and tell her to “call” for…
Brian Lehrer: What’s Happens Now at Indian Point
Brian Lehrer show today: https://www.wnyc.org/story/the-brian-lehrer-show-2023-08-14 Thank you John Sullivan for the alert and for calling in. Yours was a voice of reason. Brian is a NYC institution but when it comes to electricity in general and Indian Point in particular he has not done his homework and is operating on common misconceptions. This is not…
Uranium mining on Navajo land could increase – again.
This lengthy article details a lot of the dirty history of uranium mining on Navajo land and the derelict and dangerous mines left behind after previous boom years. And those pushing to do it all over again. It could happen all over again if uranium prices continue to rise because of Biden’s ban on importing uranium…
Background information on tritium from Gordon Edwards
“Here are some important facts about tritium…” Please take a look at Gordon’s work. I belive what is here is true and sound and trust this information in a way I could never trust the NRC or the “administrative” standards that you are using David. Greetings all – Many citizens do not realize that SMNRs…
Candidate Jones Puts Constituents’ Safety First
A letter to the editor this past week attacking former Congressman Mondaire Jones on crime was an unfortunate case study in disinformation. Recent data shows that New York crime is certainly not skyrocketing. In fact, current patterns show quite the opposite. New data from the NY State Division of Criminal Justice Services shows that violent…
Video to promote the Rally tomorrow
Please watch this https://fb.watch/m67w9Dc-U_/?mibextid=v7YzmG and hope you can join us at 4 pm TODAY at the Cortlandt Town Hall. Thanks! Judy
State Agency Denies Holtec’s Permit Change
DEP’s draft decision blocks path to nuclear wastewater release for now BY CHRISTINE LEGERE JUL 26, 2023 PLYMOUTH — The state Dept. of Environmental Protection issued a draft determination on July 24 denying a permit modification that would have allowed Holtec, the company decommissioning the shuttered Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, to release over one million gallons of wastewater…
March to End Fossil Fuels, Sept. 17, New York, New York
Food & Water Watch is one of the primary organizers for this important mobilization. We need boots on the ground for this one. Details at https://mobilize.us/s/df77JH/o About this event Join us on September 17th* in New York City as we march, rally, and protest to demand that President Biden take bold climate action! This march…
NYISO study finds reliability needs in NYC
NYISO just came out with their quarterly report that headlines a deficit of up to 446 MW for NYC for 2025. This has nothing to do with Indian Point although count on a whole raft of forthcoming articles decrying its closing. The problem is the “retirement of select generators under the NYS DEC’s emissions limit.” …
Quick Sign on! Moratorium on Indian Pt Reactor Waste Water Dumping. Extended Deadline TUESDAY. Your help needed!
To sign on, please fill out this google form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdpIcSLUrwfL1d_Y2LCOgPCvJTnKAVvWdGpH6LuipKHtgO2A/viewform. It is a quick and easy sign on. More information below. Greetings All, Anne Rabe has worked at New York Public Interest Group and her knowledge and dedication is extensive. We need a moratorium to stop the dumping of tritiated water into the Hudson and…
North Salem Officials Eye the Environment
By Carol Reif Published June 4, 2023 at 1:50 PM Last Updated June 4, 2023 at 1:50 PM NORTH SALEM, N.Y. – North Salem officials are supporting efforts to keep radioactive wastewater from being discharged from the now-defunct Indian Point nuclear power plant into the Hudson River. INDIAN POINT Holtec International, the company in charge of decommissioning…
BILL PASSES! No dumping in the Hudson. Bill heads to Hochul’s desk!
https://midhudsonnews.com/2023/06/10/breaking-bill-that-prohibits-the-dumping-of-radioactive-water-in-hudson-heads-to-governors-desk/ (THIS LINK GOES TO A 404) “Absent of the proposed New York law, the current authority and responsibility to regulate the effluent from these activities is split between two federal agencies, with the NRC regulating radioactive materials under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulating pollutants under the…
Letter to the Editor re: Oliver Stone’s movie
https://www.aspentimes.com/ Letter to the Editor about Oliver Stone’s movie. I wrote the following reply. Just could not help myself! Probably a lost cause, but you never know. Marilyn This letter is in response to Wendle Whiting’s letter about the new Oliver Stone movie. I live 4 miles from Indian Point and was actively involved in the effort to close the reactor. …
Another Delay for New Unit at Vogtle Nuclear Plant
Georgia Power said commercial operation of the new Unit 3 at Plant Vogtle has been delayed for at least another month. The utility on June 16 said there’s a problem in the hydrogen system used to cool the main electrical generator. Unit 3, part of a two-reactor expansion at the plant near Waynesboro, Georgia, had…
The dangerous business of dismantling America’s aging nuclear plants
FORKED RIVER, N.J. — The new owner took over the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station in 2019, promising to dismantle one of the nation’s oldest nuclear plants at minimal cost and in record time. Then came a series of worrisome accidents. One worker was struck by a 100-ton metal reactor dome. Another was splashed with…
Dreadful NYT Opinion Piece – Hilly
The NYT prints so few letters to the editor. Letters to local papers are probably more effective. Here is a template that everyone is invited to use. It uses the NYT opinion piece as a hook so it needs to go out right away. People are welcome to use it as is, change it into…
Holtec inks agreement for up to 20 SMRs in Ukraine
Kris Singh (front left), Holtec International president and chief executive officer, signs the cooperation agreement between Holtec and Ukraine’s Energoatom, alongside other Holtec officials. (Photo: Holtec) Small modular reactor developer Holtec International and Energoatom, Ukraine’s nuclear plant operator, signed a cooperation agreement last Friday that envisions the construction of up to 20 of the American…
Radioactive Waste in Germany
https://www.dw.com/en/what-now-for-germanys-remaining-nuclear-waste/a-65420338?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf “The interim storage facilities are designed to last for quite some time,” Wolfram König, president of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal (BASE), told DW. “They are supposed to bridge the time until a final repository is available. … What we are looking for is geological depth, a suitable layer…
April 27 Rally. 4:30 PM. Cortlandt Town Hall. We Need Boots on the Ground!
We need YOU! Community Rally April 27th @ 4:30 pm in front of Cortlandt Town Hall, One Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor. We need boots on the ground!!! In response to widespread vocal opposition, Holtec’s plan to dump radioactive isotopes into the River has been postponed but not stopped. They still maintain their legal right to do so and are…
The end of nuclear power in Germany
By midnight on Saturday in Germany, the last three still active nuclear reactors in the country will be closed, after a long and controversial campaign to decommission nuclear energy, which lasted more than twenty years. The closure of the last three reactors marks the end of the use of nuclear energy in Germany, comes in…
URGENT! Take Action to Stop the Dumping! Thu. April 14, 7 PM
NY: URGENT: How to Stop Radioactive Waste from Being Dumped in Our Water. Zoom tonight: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PMThu, Apr 13, 2023 Link to join: Click Here Should radioactive waste be dumped into the Hudson River, which supports drinking water for local communities and recovering marine ecosystems full of fish and wildlife? If, like us,…
Hochul officials drop proposal to weaken climate law amid criticism
Hochul officials drop proposal to weaken climate law amid criticism The major change is no longer a priority in budget negotiations. Basil Seggos said the state will not push for an immediate change in its nation-leading climate law that had fueled outrage from lawmakers and environmentalists.Mike Groll/AP Photo ALBANY, N.Y. — Gov. Kathy Hochul’s top…
May 6th at 2pm: HELP FIGHT TO PROTECT OUR BEAUTIFUL HUDSON RIVER: RALLY TO SAVE THE RIVER at Cortlandt Waterfront Park in Verplanck
SAVE THE DATE – May 6th at 2pm:HELP FIGHT TO PROTECT OUR BEAUTIFUL HUDSON RIVER: RALLY TO SAVE THE RIVERat Cortlandt Waterfront Park in Verplanck From Cortlandt Town Supervisor Dr. Richard Becker:“As you might be aware, Holtec International is planning to discharge a million gallons of radioactive spent nuclear rod pool water into the Hudson River.…
Why were studies canceled?
https://beyondnuclearinternational.org/2023/03/12/why-were-studies-canceled/ “The NAS was considering using new ways of examining the health impacts of radioactivity from NRC licensed sites by implementing a more detailed, more thorough, publicly shared research protocol. Such a protocol could have opened up the NRC’s regulatory regime to exhaustive scrutiny, revealing just how inadequate it is for examining health impacts.” Federal agencies…
Call POTUS now! Stop Willow.
We’re sharing this call to action in solidarity with our friends at Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic and the People vs Fossil Fuels Coalition: President Biden just approved ConocoPhillips’ Willow project, the massive oil drilling project in the Alaskan Arctic. By greenlighting this major fossil fuel expansion, President Biden is betraying his promises…
Willow Project
This is so serious. I think that Biden just lost the 2024 election for himself and other Democrats by approving this project. I certainly will not vote for a liar and a hypocrite when it comes to climate change. The scope of this project is emense and reverses most of the climate actions taken so far. …
2023 Peace Crane Ceremony at Indian Point, plus Tritium
https://photos.app.goo.gl/Xp76Mp9wZm9vn69YA Today a group of Peace Walkers led by Jun san Yasuda traveled from the Peekskill Train Station to the old gates of Indian Point. They performed a water ceremony for the Hudson while at Riverfront Green. They gathered for the 12th annual Commemoration of the Great Eastern Earthquake and the melt down of the…
New Mexico House panel OKs bill opposing nuclear waste storage
This is what Pat Cardona has been working so hard on. It is not over yet. Keep it up Pat! Let us know if we can help in any way. Marilyn Elie NCC From: Don Hancock <sricdon@gmail.com>Date: February 26, 2023 Subject: House panel OKs bill opposing nuclear waste storage planReply-To: sricdon@gmail.com House panel OKs bill opposing nuclear waste storage…
Tritium and more. Excellent overview of the entire decommissioning process.
https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/02/24/mhus-f24.html “An effective decontamination strategy would be to simply keep the wastewater contained on site to allow the natural decay process to proceed. Retention for approximately 25 years would reduce the quantity of tritium by 75 percent, making release into the environment less problematic. After 60 years, 96.4 percent of the stored tritium would have…
Key Climate Solutions Webinar March 3 with Experts Mark Jacobson & Ken Cook. 2:30 PM EST.
Key Climate Solutions Webinar March 3 with Experts Mark Jacobson & Ken Cook. 2:30 PM EST. I have heard Mark Jacobson present several times. He is clear and easy to follow as he lays out solutions for the most troubling issues we face with climate change. Don’t miss this webinar if you are looking for sound,…
Great messaging on nukes and climate change here
Greetings All — The messages she brings about the fossil fuel industry resonate and match well with the messages we need to use against the nuclear industry on SMNRs and “No New Nukes.” Enough with the fairy tales! “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as…
Fukushima: Japan insists release of 1.3m tonnes of ‘treated’ water is safe
Neighbouring countries and local fishers express concern as 12th anniversary of nuclear disaster looms Almost 12 years have passed since the strongest earthquake in Japan’s recorded history resulted in a tsunami that killed more than 18,000 people along its north-east coast. As the country prepares to mark the 11 March anniversary, one of the disaster’s most…
Comments on Indian Point Docket ID NRC 2021-0125
Press from DOB MEETING
Tritium is a radioactive isotope and emits beta rays that can disrupt cell functions if it is ingested or inhaled. Why would any sensible person want to put something like this in the Hudson River? We have an Indian Point Decommissioning Trust Fund to pay for a safe clean up. Anything left over is profit…
Good news for fish and for dams!
This new design for turbine blades in dams protects fish and does not decrease the efficiency of the turbines. https://reasonstobecheerful.world/hydroelectric-dam-turbines-fish-friendly/ “Thus far, Natel has completed three hydro installations: in Oregon, Maine, and Austria. In 2020, tests conducted by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory at Natel’s Oregon project — a 1,070 MW, single-turbine installation along a…
Dear Friends, If you didn’t get a chance to tune in to the Indian Point Forum on January 26th with Helen Caldicott, Eric Epstein and Diane Turco talking about the dangers of dumping millions of gallons of radioactive water into the Hudson, grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger) and check it out by clicking on the link attached.. It…
Health Experts Raise Concerns Over Indian Point Wastewater
Health experts raised concerns last week over the discharge of radioactive wastewater that may be dumped into the Hudson River as part of the decommissioning of the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Buchanan. During a Jan. 26 online forum, health professionals and environmentalists addressed Holtec International’s plans to release one million gallons of wastewater from the…
How to Make a FERC Meeting Fun? Disrupt It! FRONT LINE WARRIORS AT WORK!
Yesterday BXE rallied in front of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) office in D.C. – greeting staff and commissioners as they came for the monthly commissioners meeting! We then supported a #FrontlinesToFERC press conference- a group of Gulf Coast organizers who spoke on the numerous frontline LNG fights coming before FERC.As the FERC meeting…
Experts Panel on Public Health and Safety at Indian Point and other reactors. From 1/2623. Posted!
https://www.grassrootsinfo.org/indianpointforum Decommissioning a nuclear power plant is job that requires careful attention to detail in order to protect public health and safety. On January 26, 2023 four experts were convened to discuss this matter by United 4 Clean Energy, Grassroots Education, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and a coalition of other groups. Presenters included the renowned…
Health Experts Cry Foul Over Plans to Dump Radioactive Wastewater into Hudson River
For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Contact: Ellen Weininger, Grassroots Environmental Education Email: ellen@grassrootsinfo.org 914-422-3141 (O) or 646-210-0200 (C) Judy Allen, United for Clean Energy 845-528-6643 (H) or 914-382-1193 (C) Press Release Health Experts Cry Foul Over Plans to Dump Radioactive Wastewater into Hudson River (Buchanan, NY) A panel of health experts today is raising public alarm…
Small Modular Reactors: Pricey Power?
Greetings to All; This is an excellent article to send to electeds and anyone else who thinks Small Nuclear Reactors are a good idea. It is short, to the point, easy to read and makes points that cannot be refuted, like the estimated cost of electricity generated by SMR’s. The author is writing about nuclear…
SAVE THE DATE. Expert’s Panel on Radiation and Public Health. Jan. 26, 4 PM.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Dr. Helen Caldicott and other experts on public health and radiation. Please help amplify this event and post to your social media and sending to anyone you know that might be interested. Media AdvisoryCritical Public Health and Safety Impacts of Decommissioning Indian Point • Expert Forum Series Contact: Ellen Weininger,…
filtration of radioactive water
Hi Manna Jo, In response to your email, please note the following: With that said, note the following question from your email and our response: 1. Which Isotopes are able to be filtered out of the water before it is released into the Hudson River and which are not. 2. For those that are able to be filtered,…
Citizen groups cast wary eye on health impacts of decommissioning
By Regina ClarkinJanuary 19, 2023 Bringing facts to area residents about the health and safety implications of decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant is the goal of several local environmental organizations who have scheduled a speaker series that begins on January 26th on a 4 p.m. Zoom webinar. The ‘Public Health & Safety Impacts…
MEDIA ADVISORY: Experts Forum Jan. 26, 2023 at 4 pm EST via Zoom on Public Health and Safety During Decommissioning of Indian Point
Media Advisory Critical Public Health and Safety Impacts of Decommissioning Indian Point • Expert Forum Series Contact: Ellen Weininger, Grassroots Environmental Education (914) 422-3141 (O) or (646) 210-0200 Judy Allen, United for Clean Energy 845-528-6643 (H), 914 382-1193 (C) What: First in a Series of Public Health and Safety Experts Forums When: Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:00 PM…
Description of casks for spent fuel storage
The German casks are thick-wall metal (ductile cast iron) over 19″ thick. They don’t use or need concrete. The Fukushima thick-wall casks for storing spent nuclear fuel assemblies are 10″ thick metal (carbon steel and lead). They survived the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami. Either system is better than what we have. Switzerland uses both types…
Brian Lehrer of WNYC Endorses Nuclear Power
Today on a segment of his show about CLCPA Brian said that nuclear power is clean because it emits no green house gases. He said it was safe because there have only been two accidents, one in Russia. The program is already posted and you can listen to it now on WNYC. This requires a…
Auld Biden Syne in front of Biden’s house midnight Dec. 31
Here’s a video of a rain-soaked, straggly but passionate group of 8 climate justice activists, and a dog, singing directly in front of Joe Biden’s house in Wilmington, De. as 2022 turned into 2023. We begin singing at the 4 minute mark. And below are the words we sang, to the tune of Auld Lang…
New Years at Occupy Biden
Let’s keep this party going! Well, party might be a stretch. But taking action with comrades to save our biosphere is truly a celebration of life, joy and festivity included! Another cause for celebration: this is absolutely the last fundraising pitch from Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE) this year lol. We’re close to our $25,000 end-of-year…
Golden Rule Anti Nuclear Peace Boat Sailing to Cuba
The Golden Rule will be in NY at some point. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gerry Condon, 206-499-1220 December 30, 2022 …
Another Expert on Spent Fuel Water
https://www.capenews.net/regional_news/whoi-scientist-weighs-in-on-risks-of-radioactive-wastewater/article_81fdadc5-9a28-5798-bf93-d2a4911e9e3c.html If you read the entire article you will hear him say that dilution is the answer to pollution. Something we cannot agree with. He does recommend on site storage. His explanation of thee type of test that is needed is very useful. United 4 Clean Energy is hosting a forum for the public with experts…
Fusion Breakthrough. Articles
Here are several good articles on fusion. Information about how it works, the (mostly) political component, and a podcast that lays out a realistic time – 50 to 70 years. I hope that you find it useful. Marilyn Elie In this report the section on fusion follows the explanation on fission. It is an easy…
The Madness of Senator Joe Manchin by Jim Hightower
Jim Hightower has a newsletter, a podcast and more. He is an acerbic, witty writer who is well worth following. Subject: The Madness of Senator Joe Manchin https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/12/14/madness-senator-joe-manchin U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) listens as President Joe Biden delivers his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the Capitol on…
Dominion Energy plans to deploy small modular nuclear reactors statewide by 2032
I suspect that this is what will be happening all over the country as the Federal dollars roll in. Anyone who promotes an “all of the above” energy strategy as Gov. Youngkin has done clearly does not understand that they are squandering tax payer dollars. To fight climate change we must use the cheapest, greenest…