Diablo Canyon Dry Casks’ Safety in Question
This just in from Nuclear News, including a video just released from a meeting held on October 19th: https://nuclear-news.net/2017/11/02/usa-nuclear-dry-cask-risks-not-known-when-design-approved-by-nrc-european-design-rejected/ It seems that, according to Dr. Peter Lam, NRC administrative judge, that when the NRC approved Diablo Canyon’s Holtec dry casks, their vulnerability to stress fractures was not known—hence, the safer European design was rejected. The...
Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds on a Carbon Free, Nuclear Free World
In preparation for the New York City People’s Climate March, Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen spoke to staffers from the United Nations about why nuclear power is not a viable solution to the issue of climate change. Following the New York City UN presentation, Arnie traveled to Westchester County, New York regarding the Entergy-owned Indian Point reactors that are located only...