#WalkTheTalk Yorktown Vigil
IPSEC organizer Marilyn Elie recently (Saturday, November 18th) attended a Yorktown vigil protesting fracked gas, at which Willow Park residents asked Gov. Cuomo to stand behind his words and #WalkTheTalk: to follow up on his campaign antifracking rhetoric. Here is her report: “Betty Jasper, Dominican Sister, led the group in a prayerful vigil filled with...

New York Times Covers Indian Point/Spectra Pipeline Protest At Governor’s Home
“BUCHANAN, N.Y. — Every so often, catastrophes prompt fresh worries about the Indian Point nuclear power plant, whose twin domes loom over the Hudson River about 45 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. “In 2001, the terror attacks on Sept. 11 spurred calls to shut down the two reactors here, amid concern of a similar attack...
Peekskill to Paris: Global Climate Rally Tomorrow at 1pm
Saturday, November 28, 1:00 pm Peekskill Riverfront Green 50 Hudson Ave, Peekskill, NY 10566 This will be a gathering of local residents along with many Westchester based environmental organizations ( WESPAC, Clearwater, Intergenerate, SAPE, SANEnergy, Federated Conservationists of Westchester, IPSEC …and many more) at the Riverfront Green Park in Peekskill, NY. We will be standing...