
Posts tagged "tritium"
Indian Point Contaminates the Hudson River With Uncontrollable Radioactive Flow

Indian Point Contaminates the Hudson River With Uncontrollable Radioactive Flow

Environmental Journalist Roger Witherspoon has written this analysis of the recent Indian Point leaks. It offers unique insights, namely that the Hudson River is a source of drinking water for many towns, and that the amount of radiation released in the latest leak is just one part of what Indian Point has been allowed by...
Radioactivity In Indian Point's Groundwater Increases 65,000%, Governor Orders Investigation

Radioactivity In Indian Point’s Groundwater Increases 65,000%, Governor Orders Investigation

“Radioactive water overflowed into the groundwater at the upstate Indian Point nuclear power plant, officials said Saturday. “Gov. Cuomo said the plant’s operator, Entergy, reported “alarming levels” of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000%. “The Buchanan plant reported that the contamination did not migrate offsite and does not pose...